M-02 Ryota
He is 14 years old. Ryota likes soccer, football, watching sports, video games and music. He listens to artists such as Justin Bieber, Billie Eilish, and Charlie Puth. He is talkative, loyal, and cheerful. Ryota is excited to learn about the American culture, speaking English, and learn about popular games and music.

M-04 Harutaka
He is 13 years old. Harutaka likes baseball, skiing, video games, and watching Japanese anime. He is generous, tidy, honest, and quiet. He is excited to come to Utah to try American food and play with animals. If possible, he would like to visit Grand Canyon National Park.

M-05 Haruto
Haruto is 14 years old. He likes watching and playing baseball, tennis, and running. He likes to play Shogi and is active in field sports. Haruto is curious, friendly, and cheerful. He is interested in learning about the American culture and to try new foods.

M-07 Taro
He is 14 years old. Taro likes to play ping pong Japanese anime. He also likes computers, video games, movies, singing, and dancing. Taro is cheerful, energetic, and easygoing. He is interested in coming to Utah to build his confidence and is interested in Utah’s food diet.